Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Mess, Coffee, and 31 Days of No Sleep.

I think I am going to rename my blog. 
I think I am going to turn it into a study of what happens as one survives life on no sleep. 
No sleep.  No sleep.
It is fitting that I begin this blog at 1:57am. 
What day is today?  I have no idea.  At this point I am losing sight of what Month it is. 
I believe the running total of hours of sleep is about 9 or 10 for the past four days.
I had the most beautiful dream in the 45 min I have slept so far tonight.
I dreamt that it was 8 am.
I was warm and fuzzy, comfy in my pull out bed/chair in the hospital room.  I opened my eyes and it was morning.  I had slept for eight solid hours. the breakfast tray was here.  
It turns out when my bleary eyes finally focused on the clock that it was in fact only 12:30.
It was one of those dreams you want to get back to sleep to catch the moment again even if it isn't real.

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