Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Mess, Coffee, and 31 Days of No Sleep.

I think I am going to rename my blog. 
I think I am going to turn it into a study of what happens as one survives life on no sleep. 
No sleep.  No sleep.
It is fitting that I begin this blog at 1:57am. 
What day is today?  I have no idea.  At this point I am losing sight of what Month it is. 
I believe the running total of hours of sleep is about 9 or 10 for the past four days.
I had the most beautiful dream in the 45 min I have slept so far tonight.
I dreamt that it was 8 am.
I was warm and fuzzy, comfy in my pull out bed/chair in the hospital room.  I opened my eyes and it was morning.  I had slept for eight solid hours. the breakfast tray was here.  
It turns out when my bleary eyes finally focused on the clock that it was in fact only 12:30.
It was one of those dreams you want to get back to sleep to catch the moment again even if it isn't real.

Sunny Side Up

     You come through the doors to see a brightly coloured fish tank and balloons.  The attendants are cheerful and friendly.  They have Dora and Bob the builder.  There are cool animals on the walls.  They have Playstation and Wii.   The TV streams Disney's Cars on repeat!  There is a library and a toy play room.  There are wagons and riding cars.  There is endless ice cream.  There is a play therapist.  How much fun would that job be?!  All day long you get to help kids play in a colourful and bright environment. 
     I thought to myself that the pediatric ward would be a very fun place to work.
     It being a fairly small ward built in a circle, the parents of other children become familiar.   There was one mom walking around with a two year old.  She had been pacing the halls with her little one for a while.  Each time I saw her there was a more strained look on her face.   I overheard the nurse say "I understand you are upset but I'm sure there is a good reason why we can't give her anything to eat."  The poor mom was desperate and in tears.  The poor child was crying as her parents grouped around trying to distract her.   TV, look at the toys, let's go play.  She was too hungry and her mother's heart was at it breaking point.  I am a bit teary myself.   Mama Bear in me wants to take the child, feed her, and do something mean back to that mean nurse!! **   
     There is a newborn with a cast type bandage to keep the IV in it's tiny, tiny arm.
     There are children who don't understand what is happening and are hurting and scared. 
     Alarms went off and nurses went flying to the bedside of a six year old little doll of a girl who was choking.  Suctioning her mouth and cleaning her up,  the poor little thing hardly cared what they did to her.
     Oh, this must be one of the hardest jobs around. 
     I respect the Pediatric staff.
** please note, I understand the nurse was following orders for the safety of the child (I should hope!!!) and that is my emotional reaction... I don't actually intend to hurt anyone.