Thursday, 21 April 2011

The New Repellent Nail Polish

     So they have created this new nail polish that seem to actually try to repel itself away from your nails.  As you paint it on it is already working its magic.  It starts with a dent and then subliminally implants the idea that you need to clean your fridge.  You need to do it NOW! 

     Day 2 of my new 31 days...  I am already finding that cleaning and taking care of myself somehow seem to not be a great mix.   Maybe I need an extra cup of coffee today.
     I will have to rise up and try again.  There is a hockey game on tonight.  I plan to do my nails while I keep him company.  There is no better way to attract your husband's attention than the stench of nail polish remover wafting gently by.
     In watching and reading several classic stories of POW's during war time, I was always fascinated by the one who maintains a stiff, cleanly shaved upper lip.  The one who breaks the ice off the bucket to shave their face with the side of their spoon using the reflection from the nail of their bed.  The one who somehow manages to have their shirt magically ironed.  They are the ones who feel their very survival depends on maintaining control of at least their appearance.  I can tell you now, in those sort of circumstances I would definitely stop ironing!  

     In similar sorts of circumstances and under the same sort of lack of standards I have fallen upon desperate times.   I have given in to not caring... I am the one the group would have rallied around who gave up breathing simply because they gave up hope.    Fear not!  Under inspiring ideals,  with beautiful words of hope, I have renewed my strength and have begun again using capital letters!  Notice please that I capitalized every word of the heading!  I have also indented and created separate paragraphs for each separate idea.  Structure is nice. 

Now to read what my job is for today in hopes that I can somehow squish it in before bed.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New blog, new brains, no musch!

Coffee doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore.  I have found over the years that the more children I have and the less I use my brain, the more I seem to shut down as a rational and intelligent creature.   I was once such a creature.   I was well manicured.  I was well fed.  I was in good form.   Now I am a mash of musch.   No offence to those of you who may have that as a last name, but it seemed more expressive with the "c" in there.  It sounds better too.  Musch.  Say it out loud! Isn't it great!    So lately I have been taking care to cream my hands and feet.  I painted my fingernails.  It still counts even though it was at the request of my four year old girl!  I found a book called "31 Days to Clean" and found it quite motivating.  My fridge is as clean as it has been since the day the fridge delivery people twisted the little feet on the bottom of it to make the fridge stand up straight.  Simple little things to keep us from falling over... Maybe that could be the alternative title for this blog.  
I thought I would also start a blog for the purposes of exercising my brain.  I used to feel like I could be mildly entertaining in written word.  At least to myself and to my mom.  I also used to spell.. so you will get your name up in lights on this blog as a super good speller if you catch me in grammatical and spelling errors.  
(Obvious typing errors only get a pat on the back for the person who catches them and a sticky note on your forehead for being too much of a perfectionist).  
I think for the next little while I will chart my daily progress at getting  my house from overwhelmingly, chaotically, messy to a happy place that I can be proud to have people into.
Drop by to catch me in the act.
Simply because the the nature of a blog is to post self indulgent information... i will likely also post photos of my kids and anything else I find amusing.  
Here begins the first day of getting life in order.